KartOO ranks among the most powerful search engines. For each query the metasearch engine compiles a comprehensive selection of websites and sorts them by relevancy with the use of proprietary algorithms. KartOO assists users in finding the most appropriate website for a given query without delay. The outstanding quality and relevancy of KartOO’s results page is produced by our semi-automated validation process.
Our constant efforts to provide users with the most accurate results are also made possible with the support of a team of editors who check the quality of each website listed in our index. This refines the relevancy between the query and the results page to an unequalled level.
Choose from any of KartOO’s localized search engines for an incomparable user experience. Each country benefits from a market specific directory which provides in-depth information through a user-friendly interface which is available in most languages. An ever growing selection of features, such as global weather forecast, TV program, Horoscope and online games are freely accessible to everyone.
worldwide sites of the month :